December 31st, 2012 I was officially 1 day late for my period.  Maybe thats TMI, but I’m sharing because thats the day that I took a pregnancy test and found out that I’d be expecting my first child.  I would say, most women would wait a bit longer than 1 day late, before testing, but I couldn’t wait.  If you know me at all, you know I’m a results kind of person and I live in the now!  When I watched the test develop from a blur to a positive result, my heart pounded!  About a million things flashed through my mind.  Like a reel in a dramatic movie.  This was happening, this was a sure thing… my life had officially changed forever.  To this day it was my most memorable urinating experience!

It wasn’t anything like how I thought it would be.  I dreamed that I would cry a bit and be so ecstatic that I’d jump on the rooftop and shout to the world that I was going to have a baby!  Instead, I almost panicked for a moment.  I didn’t feel prepared!  I had just had a margarita at dinner the night before, and I hadn’t been taking my prenatal pills regularly, and how the hell was I going to tell my husband?!  He would be coming home from work in a few hours!  So, I decided to write him a little message on our bathroom mirror.

I drew a circle where his face would reflect and then wrote “This is the face of: – a loving and patient husband – a dedicated provider and hard worker – a passionate musician and creative designer – a joyful man of God and the Father of our child!  ~Love, Your Pregnant Wife”.

When I heard him pull into the driveway, I was so nervous!  I greeted him as he walked in and we made our way to the bedroom.  He stepped into the bathroom and started to read the message on the mirror.  I was behind him and could see his face in the mirror… as he read he smiled.  Then as he got to the bottom a look of surprise came over him.  He immediately turned around and exclaimed, “What?  Is this for real?”  I stood there and nodded as he rushed over to embrace me.  He held me tightly and I could just feel this happiness rush through his body.  Blessed.  Just blessed.  I have an amazing husband and now we would start a new journey together.  So many couples struggle to conceive and try for years, some go through the pain of miscarrying, and others go through invasive fertility treatments.  God blessed us to not have to experience any of these things, and believe me we are grateful to Him everyday.  It truly is a miracle.  We continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy child.

So of course our next step was to scream it from the rooftop that we, indeed, are expecting!  So my husband came up with this “Movie Trailer” to share with our friends and family, and now with you.  So without further a due, here’s the video!  Enjoy!